
Emergency Care


West Location

+31 (0)20 510 89 11

East Location

+31 (0)20 599 91 11



If it's an emergency, call 112. In less serious cases, you can visit your GP. In the evening and on nights and weekends, contact the GP "Huisartsenpost" Medical Centre (HAP) on +31 (0)88 00 30 600. If you come to the Emergency Department without a referral, it is possible that the nurse will refer you to the neighbouring GP's surgery.

You can go to the emergency room if you have been referred by your GP or you are brought in by ambulance.
The emergency rooms at the East and West location are open 24 hours a day.


When you arrive at the emergency room, we will first register you. If you have recently been abroad, report this immediately! 

Sequence of treatment

  • The nurse at the emergency room will ask what the issue is and decide on who the best doctor to treat you would be. This is called 'triage'. People with very serious issues will be helped more quickly.
  • You can also request first pain relief here.
  • If you have been referred by your GP, the nurse can start a diagnostic test immediately.
  • Someone who comes in after you might be treated before you. In some cases, children and sick elderly people get priority.

What shall I bring with me?

  • valid ID
  • your registration certificate from your health insurer
  • your medication (if applicable)
  • your patient passport (if you have it)
  • money for a taxi home
  • If you think you should be admitted, it is a good idea to bring toiletries, a dressing gown, slippers and nightclothes.

Cost of a visit to the emergency room

There are costs associated with a visit to the emergency room, even if you are insured. Your health insurer will pay the bill but bear in mind that emergency room care falls under your deductible!
Are you uninsured? Or are you insured abroad but do not have a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC or E111 number)? Then we ask that you pay €400 in advance. You must pay this advance on the spot. This can be done using cash or a debit or credit card. The final settlement will take place later. The final amount may be higher or lower than the advance payment depending on the treatment. You will, of course, receive an advance invoice and a proof of payment which you can send to your insurer.

You can find more information about the European Health Insurance Card on this website.

Taking your child to the emergency room

All children who come to the emergency room are checked according to a national protocol. The protocol follows the regulations of the 'Wet meldcode Kindermishandeling en Huiselijk Geweld' (Reporting Code for Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Act). This means that your child will sometimes be examined from head to toe. This is done to identify possible other injuries or to investigate possible other causes. In rare cases, this may lead to a suspicion that the child is being abused or is witnessing domestic violence.